Monday 25 February 2013


Nearly a month into the project and I still don't have a design. I thought I nearly had one but now I'm back at square one.

Last week were our interim reviews in the week leading up to them, as well as working on portfolio and technology, I had started to develop my concept of using columns and working with the landscape in front of the theatre. I had a go at looking at different layouts by using a sketch up model but nothing really seemed to look quite right and it seemed a bit of a pointless exercise.

It was suggested that I take another look at the site and how the structure works and then allow that to influence my design. I think this really will give me some ideas about my design and it should determine the form my intervention as the structure is the bare bones of it. It's now just finding the time to get to the site and get inside again. I am hoping to be able to go down on Friday and then I will be able to start to really work on my design over the weekend and into next week - not having a design at all this far into the project is starting to make me nervous but I'm hoping it will all turn out ok!

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